Photo Credit: douglascowan.me |
A friend posted on successmnb.com that he needed to
understand the difference between FEAR and WORRY. So, I decided to do a
research on the distinction between FEAR and WORRY.
Here is what I came up with.
Fear is a set of responses / a respond one gets from a
defined threat which can be vividly imagined or real. It is mainly about
avoidance and escape.
In its extreme form, it becomes panic.
Fear could be something tangible or something imagined.
intensity depends on the seriousness or unpleasantness of the threat, if any at
Photo Credit :MargaretFeinberg.com |
Worry is the thought process that creates the feelings and
emotions experienced as anxiety. Worry can be useful in helping to find solution
to problems that cannot be currently be solved. Thinking soon becomes very
negative and doom laden and this is what I call imagination misused. This is
more associated with the need to be prepared, which leads to been anxious.
I hope this article has been of help somehow.
For more Info on how to overcome FEAR, WORRY, PANIC,
Click any of the links below:
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