Saturday, 10 May 2014

Flouting “no smoking” rules in Lagos

WRITTEN BY: JENNIFER OBHAKHOBOH                                                                                            

It is true what they say that smokers are liable to die young. These words means a lot to very few people. Smoking according to research has proven to be harmful to every organ of the body, it causes many diseases and reduces the health of smokers in general. 

It causes about 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men and women. More women die of lung cancer than of breast cancer each year. Smokers are at greater risk for diseases that affects the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease). In order to reduce the rate at which people’s lives who are nonsmokers but are affected by a smoker around them and because of this nonchalant attitude, lives of these ones are been cut short. To help the nonsmokers stay away from the hazards attached to smoking, the Lagos state Governor has signed the bill passed by the House of Assembly into law. 

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