With a pensive grieve and burdened heart, with the evidence of poor Governance and apparently the continuous reign of our Mislead leaders.
Prior to the Kidnapping of the school students in Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok Nigeria that ensued on the 14th of April 2014, there has been different occurrences that have shown sloppiness in our response to National issues in our Country. I mean, if this regime is so good, why do we still have the popular terrorist sect around using the excuse of religion to harm others, to be unkind, unjust and oppressive.
After So many conjectures about the kidnapping of the 235 girls, the media seems to be having a good time publishing different stories with a popular Hash Tag that seems to be strolling every corner of social media (#BRING BACK OUR GIRLS) and have been somewhat irrelevant in the pursuit of justice and retrieve of the missing Secondary school girls. If the media is so effective, why are the names and pictures of the students still hidden? All these, proofs just one thing, and that’s the over sagging evidence that we have failed as a nation and as citizens individually.
It is true our leaders have failed us. So, we cannot continue to trust their capability or ability in leadership, but one thing still stands "I believe in Nigeria"Do you believe?
For more stories: www.spyghana.com
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